Text and Photos Michel Azéma

Funiculars of Switzerland

Campocologno Kraftwerk







(photo Michel Azéma July 2008)

Campocologno is located at the end of the south headland of the canton of Graubünden. It is the last village before Italy and Tirano.

The Campocologno power station was built in 1906. Today it is part of the Rätia Energie which managed the electricity production in Engadin, Puschlav and Prättigau (see also "Die Puschlaver Geisterbahn" Cavaglia).

All along the pressure pipeline a single track incline cable railway was built to carry out the maintenance.

The track slopes away sharply into the valley and passes under the Bernina Railway and the main road.

The vertical profile of the track makes like a concave elbow. This particularity of the profile required the installation of a portico on which are fixed some aerial rollers to prevent the cable not to be too much raised up by the concavity of the line.


Technical Datas

 1906 ?
Type of funicular
Type of tracks
Lower station Zentrale Campocologno
(530 m)
Top station Scala
(937 m)
Length 800 m
Diff. of levels 407 m
Maximum Gradient ?
Gauge 1 m
Rätia Energie

CH-7742 Poschiavo

Tel. +41 (81) 839 71 11
Fax +41 (81) 839 72 99



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Michel Azéma, Paris (France)
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