Paris – Ce week end, à la station Bérault, a eu lieu la mise en service du premier quai de la ligne 1 du métro entièrement équipé de portes palières automatiques!
Un seul des deux quais est pour l’instant équipé.
Il aura fallu près de trois semaines pour installer les 18 portes de ce quai. Les portes ont été installées durant la nuit à raison d’une porte par nuit en moyenne.
Automation of line 1 – the first platform
Paris – At Bérault station, since this week end, there is the first operational platform fully equipped with automatic platform screen doors!
Only one of the two platforms is equipped for the moment.
It took about three weeks to install the 18 doors on this platform. The doors were installed during the night, on average one per night.
Wow, really nice.
Does the MP89 stock only have 3 doors on the end cars? I thought all paris stock consisted of 5 cars with 4 doors.
Tijmen> Line 1 and Line 14 are the only lines which have trains composed of 6 carriages. Each carriage has 3 doors…