Cannes – Super Cannes, fourth slideshow !

Cannes, Alpes Maritimes, France"Pierre l' Antibois" created wonderful slideshows about the actual remaining of the funicular Cannes à Super Cannes.Here is the fourth slidshow, about the top station !!!


Funi-6.mpg (170 Mb)


Cannes – Super Cannes, quatrième diaporama !

Cannes, Alpes Maritimes, France.

"Pierre l' Antibois" vient de créer de superbes diaporamas sur les vestiges actuel du funiculaire de Cannes – Super Cannes.

Voici le quatrième diaporama, consacré à la station supérieure!!!

Funi-6.mpg (170 Mb)

Photo "Pierre l' Antibois", february 2006.

4 thoughts on “Cannes – Super Cannes, fourth slideshow !”

  1. Dear Sirs,
    I would like to know what is happening with the fantastic Funniculaire in Cannes?
    I have many photogrpahs which I took during 2006 and I believe this monument o engineering should be re-opened.
    Does the Arab Sheikh still own the Observatoire land at the top of the hill?
    Where can I get more information from?

    Best regards

    Richard Storey

  2. Yes, the funicular, observatory, hotel and two other villas still belong to the Prince. He tried to obtain planning permission a few years back, but was refused.
    Please, when visiting bear in mind it is private and in it’s current state, a danger to wander about

  3. Hi,

    The property is dangerous, it’s a pitty the mindless vandals didn’t stay out of the way too!
    The photographs I took were with permission of workmen who were renovating and re-sealing the old entrance at the foot of the rail line.

    Does anyone know how to contact the owners?


    Richard Storey

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