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Game 14




What is the use of this bell ?

Where is it located ?


Leave your answer, your name and your E-Mail address into my mailbox.

The solution and the winners will be published into the next issue of FUNIMAG.

Sorry! No reward... just fun !!!

Solution of Game 13

 Question 1

A strange object!
Do you have any idea of what is it?

This is the 'cabin' of this platform used for the maintenance.
( Kreuzeckbahn )

The winners

 Bert Holmes 16 Nov 1998
 Adrian Senn  2 Dec 1998
 Martin Schönherr 29 Mar 1999

Question 2

Tell me where you found me...!

(I am hidden ...somewhere in the issue 13)




In FUNIMAG issue 13 find the "Reisseck Bahn - The surprise 2" page (reisseck08.htm) click on the pass (altitude 2525 m) near Riedbock.


< Click into the yellow circle !


 The winners  no winners !!!...

Copyright 1998 by Michel Azéma, Paris (France)
E-Mail: contact