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Game 11


 This photo is exceptional !...


What is the name
and the location of this... cable railway ?

Leave your answer, your name and your E-Mail address into my mailbox.

The solution and the winners will be published into the next issue of FUNIMAG.

Sorry! No reward... just fun !!!

Solution of Game 10

Funicular of Tibidabo, Barcelona (Spain)

 The winners:

Jaume Serra 1st october 1997

Pete Humble 16th October 1997

Joan Morell 8th November 1997

Josep Maria Galindo Perez 17th November 1997

Yosef Sa'ar 13th December 1997

Allen Morrisson 5th January 1998




Copyright 1998 by Michel Azéma, Paris (France)
E-Mail: contact