The funiculars of GenovaLiguria, Italy |
Text and photos by Michel AZEMA ... September 1996
| Genova/Righi | Genova/Sant'Anna
| Granarolo 1 | 2 | 3
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Funicolare Principe - Granarolo (5)The answer of AMT !... |
Genova, October 1996 the 29th.
Dear sir,
I would like to thank your intention to publish an article about our Funiculars on FUNIMAG. AMT
(Azienda Mobilità e Trasporti Genova) have the possibility to access Internet and read it.
To answer to all your questions, I took the material concerning funiculars and lifts; here following,
some information you asked for.
Principe-Granarolo really is a rack-railway, but people often calls it "funicular" due to its appearance,
similar to two other funicular railways in Genova. This railway, born about 1898, has always been a
rack-railway as today, the track layout is very troubled by sharp curves, and there are two road crossing,
so that it would be difficult to build and operate a funicular.
The two cars (red and orange) are both effective and able to service. Normally only one car is used,
according with scheduled service (two trips per hour). The Principe-Granarolo line disposes of a central
two-tracks crossing point or siding (like general funiculars), which enables cars to run at the sommetime
in order to take the frequency up to 4 trips per hour.
The two actual cars have been totally rebuilt in 1929, with new body and mechanical equipment. In the
years after second world war and in 1976 great maintenence works were made. The "holes" you saw at
regular intervals, and the continuous concrete water canalisation along the line, were built in 1976,
during a long time operation stop, to improve the metheoric water deflux.
Sorry of destroying your fascinating theory about an evolution from cable to rack railway, we will always
be glad to communicate you any other information you need.
Yours sincerely.
(Ing. Aldo Cavagnetto)
So... this is the conclusion, the Funicolare Principe - Granarolo has never been a funicular!
Don't worry Mr. Cavagnetto, I am not sad at all :-)
I have to apologize for the readers of FUNIMAG to have spoken about a subject which has no real
relationship with funiculars...
But I am quite sure that you have appreciated this
rack train!
Michel AZEMA
Copyright © 1996 by Michel Azéma, Paris (France) E-Mail: contact